10th July 2020 : Postdoc positions on Statistical Mechanics and Complexity at Sapienza, University in Rome, Italy

Postdoc positions on Statistical Mechanics and Complexity at Sapienza,
University in Rome, Italy

The Chimera research group at the Physics Department of Sapienza University
in Rome (G. Parisi, E. Marinari, F. Ricci-Tersenghi, L. Leuzzi and T. Rizzo) is
opening postdoc positions starting Fall 2020 to work on several subjects related
 to complex systems: glasses, jamming, disordered models, spin glasses,
 statistical inference, machine learning, neural networks, optical systems in
 random media, etc. Candidates with an excellent background and interest in at  
least one of the subjects are invited to apply by sending a CV, as well as 2 or 3
names willing to provide a reference letter at address chimera.team@uniroma1.it
More details can found at https://chimera.roma1.infn.it/JOBS/postdoc_202007.html

From: Federico Ricci Tersenghi <Federico.Ricci@roma1.infn.it>

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