12th October 2018 : Postdoc – biological physics – Weizmann Institute

Postdoc in the group of Sam Safran at the Dept. of Chemical and
Biological Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, a
multidisciplinary research center in Rehovot, Israel.

We are look for a postdoc to start in summmer/fall 2019 with expertise
in analytical approaches to soft matter physics and/or biological
physics for research in cell and nuclear mechanics related to
experiments of our international collaborators.

Our areas of interest are represented by the publications on our Web
page http://www.weizmann.ac.il/fluids/SafranGroup/.

Conditions of the postdoctoral fellowship can be seen at:

Please email: sam.safran@weizmann.ac.il
   with a CV, list of publications and
research statement by December 15.

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