Dear All,
There is an opening of a postdoctoral position at University
Grenoble-Alpes ( for a talented
young scientist that will develop an interdisciplinary activity on the
modeling of biological networks. More details are given below and in the
attached document.
Please forward this opportunity to the attention of any suitable candidates.
Postdoctoral position in mathematical modeling of biological networks
*Title*Dynamic modeling of iron-linked redox perturbations in Acute
Myeloid Leukemia
*Context*Acute Myeloid Leukemia are a class of deadly hematopoietic
diseases with an astonishing large variety of driver mutations.
Diagnosis usually occurs during a blast crisis whereby leukemic clones
escape the bone marrow and invade peripheral blood. The general
objective of the project, funded by the french /Plan Cancer/ (/Cancer
Systems Biology/ program), is to sort out the main molecular differences
between normal and leukemic cells so as to identify new and innovative
therapeutic targets.
*Project*The successful candidate will be in charge of developing models
of energy-related networks involved in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
Several modules are envisioned, such as iron homeostasis, control of
cell cycle, hypoxia responsive network.
New computational methods to perform /set-based simulations/ will be
developed in collaboration with one of the partners of the project
(Verimag lab). We use these techniques to cope with the large
uncertainties in model parameters. Recent methods for model reduction
will be assessed, and possibly new ones developped. He/she will also
interact with biologists to integrate experimental data generated in the
frame of the project, and extract biological knowledge from the models.
*Profile * Good knowledge in at least some of the following topics:
numerical methods, optimization, modeling methods (sensitivity analysis,
parameter inference), bayesian statistics.
Good programming skills (in e.g. python, julia). Basic knowledge of
molecular biology is desirable. A previous interdisciplinary experience
in connection with biology would be a plus.
*Scientific environment*The successful candidate will be part of an
interdisciplinary consortium called ‘Dynamical Modeling of LAMs’
involving four labs and gathering biologists, physicians, modellers,
computer scientists, and physicists.
She/He will also benefit from the excellent scientific environment of
the TIMC-IMAG laboratory (CNRS & UGA) which gathers scientists and
clinicians towards the use of computer science and applied mathematics
for understanding and controlling normal and pathological processes in
biology and healthcare. The TIMC-IMAG laboratory is located in Grenoble,
one of the biggest academic cities in France, with the French Alps nearby.
*Duration* 21 months
*Application* Send your CV, a motivation letter, and the name of two
references to Eric Fanchon,
Eric Fanchon
CNRS Research associate
Université Grenoble Alpes, France
See Attachement : postdoc-announcement-fanchon-2018.pdf