Several post-doc 3-year positions at CNRS in computational social science at Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin (CNRS /HU)
The CNRS CMB Computational Social Science Team based in Berlin recruits
several post-doctoral researchers (up to 3 years) in 2019-20 to work principally
under ERC Consolidator grant « Socsemics » on internet echo chambers and
polarization, in an interdisciplinary context related to computational social
science and complex system modeling, including hybrid network models
and internet social phenomena. Deadline set at Sept 30th, 2019.
Detailed job offers:
The CNRS CMB Computational Social Science Team based in Berlin recruits
several post-doctoral researchers (up to 3 years) in 2019-20 to work principally
under ERC Consolidator grant « Socsemics » on internet echo chambers and
polarization, in an interdisciplinary context related to computational social
science and complex system modeling, including hybrid network models
and internet social phenomena. Deadline set at Sept 30th, 2019.
Detailed job offers:
From: Camille Roth <>