14th February 2022 : Fwd: [gdr-mega] Two postdocs @ ICTP Trieste on ERC project

Dear Members of MEGA,

I have two openings at the postdoctoral
(and senior postdoctoral) level
 in my group at the
International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in the
gorgeous city of Trieste, Italy, on a ERC-funded
at the interface between random matrix theory,
statistical mechanics, information theory and machine learning.

Call for application:  href= »https://www.ictp.it/media/2166726/qls-postdoctoral-call-2022-erc.pdf »
class= »moz-txt-link-freetext » moz-do-not-send= »true »>https://www.ictp.it/media/2166726/qls-postdoctoral-call-2022-erc.pdf

Deadline: March 20th, 2022

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class= » »>Jean
Barbier class= » »>
face= »HelveticaNeue-LightItalic »>The
Abdus Salam
International Center
for Theoretical
class= » »>
face= »HelveticaNeue-LightItalic »> href= »mailto:jbarbier@ictp.it » class= »moz-txt-link-freetext »
moz-do-not-send= »true »>jbarbier@ictp.it
class= » »>

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