Tenure-track position to Associate Professor, Statistical Mechanics group Dept. Physics, University of Roma, Tor Vergata
The optimal candidate must have a strong background in equilibrium and
out-of-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics in general and on one (or more)
of the following topics: Fluid Mechanics (including quantum- or geo-flows),
micro- and nano-fluidics, Numerical Weather Prediction, Climatology,
Complex Systems, Soft-matter, Active matter, Physics-informed Machine
Learning, Optimal Control, Computational Physics, Non-linear Optics,
Quantum Computing. Dead-line for application is July10, 2019 and must be
done following the rules that you can find at: http://web.uniroma2.it/module/name/Content/newlang/italiano/action/showpage/navpath/CON/content_id/72205/section_id/6206 Please notice that you need to apply for the position Ref. Num. 1479 Settore Concrsuale 02/A2 Fisica Teorica, settore disciplinare Fis/02
From: biferale@roma2.infn.it