16th January 2020 : postdoc position – computational biophysics/softmatter – Brno (Czech Republic)

Dear colleagues,

I am currently looking for a postdoc in the area of computational
biophysics/soft matter physics. The project is focused on protein liquid
droplets and it will be done in collaboration with local experimental
group. The position was selected in a special program at our university,
which means that the conditions are excellent but there are special
requirements for example that the deadline is already on February 29th
2020. More info can be found in attached flyer or here

I would appreciate if you could forward this email to potential candidates.

Best wishes,

Robert Vacha
Associate professor
CEITEC and Faculty of Science
Masaryk University, Brno
Kamenice 5, 625 00, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 549 496 846
Email: robert.vacha@mail.muni.cz
Web: http://vacha.ceitec.cz/

See Attachement : Postdoc_VáchaCEITEC.pdf

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