Objet: Permanent member of the Theory and Simulation Group at the Institute Charles Sadron
Dear colleague,
are seeking for a junior permanent member of our theory and
simulation group here at Institut Charles Sadron (ICS,
Our search is completely open, we are just looking for the best
candidate. Our candidate further needs to be approved by the CNRS
committee 11, which will also value reasonable proximity with the
topics attached to ICS (polymers and soft matter in the broadest
sense) besides intrinsic skills. Theory and simulation are equally
welcome, in the long term we need to strengthen both. Our group
be instrumental in preparing the interview of the selected
by the CNRS committee.
Baschnagel, O. Benzerara, J. Farago, A. Johner, I. Kulic, H.
A. Semenov, J. Wittmer
Attached a short announcements which could be distributed to
potentially interested postdocs.
Dr. Igor M. Kulic
CNRS, Institut Charles Sadron
23 rue du Loess BP 84047
67034 STRASBOURG Cedex 2
Tel: (+33) (0) 388 41- 41 43
Web: https://www-ics.u-strasbg.fr/spip.php?article739
See Attachement : ICS-TSP-CNRS-Recruitment.pdf