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Subject: [soft-matter] Post doc position ad
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 08:42:23 +0000
From: Samuel Safran
To: soft-matter@lists.leeds.ac.uk
CC: Samuel Safran
Postdoc position: Soft matter and biological physics theory group of
Prof. Sam Safran, Dept. of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann
Institute of Science.
A position will be available in late summer/fall 2021. Our group
focuses on theoretical soft matter approaches to in-vivo cell behavior
in collaboration with several leading experimental groups. Projects of
recent interest include phase separation in cells, coarse-grained models
for chromatin organization, and non-linear dynamics of cardiomyocytes.
Recent publications that demonstrate our theory approaches and the
experimental systems of our collaborators are found on our Web page:
For more information on the postdoc fellowships at the Weizmann
Institute, please see:
Please write to me directly: sam.safran@weizmann.ac.il
position and attach a CV , one or two recent publications and if
possible, a transcript of grades. Interviews generally take place in
November with decisions at the beginning of 2021.