Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that we have openings for two postdoctoral positions
in theoretical soft matter and biological physics
at the University of California, Merced, Department of Physics
candidates with a record of independent research, a background
in statistical physics, soft condensed matter, or biological physics,
and strong computational and analytical skills. We would appreciate it
if you could forward this message to any suitable candidates.
The primary topics of research for the two positions are:
1. Simulations and continuum theories of *active liquid crystals*, with
a focus on topological defects, chaotic flow fields,pattern formation,
and rheology. This position is to work primarily with Daniel Beller
include population dynamics and elasticity-mediated self-assembly in
soft matter.
2. Simulations and continuum theories of *biological active matter*,
including cell and tissue mechanics, complex and adaptive matter of
biological origin such as cytoskeletal and extra-cellular proteins, and
mechano-chemical modeling of experiments in biophysics and cell
biology. This position is to work primarily with Kinjal Dasbiswas
include liquid crystals, charged colloids and topological mechanics.
The successful candidates will join a vibrant and collaborative
community of theoretical biophysics/soft matter research groups
and will have ample opportunities to also collaborate with Professors
Ajay Gopinathan and Kevin Mitchell. Working at UC Merced will afford
opportunities to work closely with experimental groups in biological and
soft matter physics, including the labs of Professors Linda Hirst,
Dustin Kleckner, Bin Liu, and Jing Xu, as well as those with related
interests in the Department of Chemistry and the School of Engineering.
To apply for one of these positions, interested applicants should submit
a cover letter, C.V., and list of three references at Both positions can start
as early as summer 2019 and are for one year, with the possibility of
renewal based on availability of funding, ongoing operational needs and
satisfactory performance. Applicants may optionally list a preference
between the two research topics above.
Thank you for circulating this announcement.
Daniel Beller
Kinjal Dasbiswas
Department of Physics
University of California, Merced
Many thanks,
Kinjal Dasbiswas
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
School of Natural Sciences
University of California, Merced
Office: COB1 313