1st April 2020 : CENTURI Postdoc call 2020 | 8 open positions in Marseille, France

Dear colleagues,
The Turing Centre for Living Systems in Marseille, France, is recruiting
up to 8 interdisciplinary postdocs (see call below).
Candidates can apply to one of the advertised projects or submit their
own project.
Best regards,
Mattthias Merkel


*CENTURI is recruiting up to **8 Postdocs *to start fromOctober 2020,
for two years! Recruited candidates will join our vibrant
interdisciplinary community in Marseille (France).

Applications to our call will be open until *April 17*. Candidates can
either apply to one of the advertised CENTURI projects
or submit
their own project, providing that they meet the application criteria and
that their application is supported by at least 2 host labs.

In-person interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place *on*
*June 18 and 19.*

Please note that due to the current health situation, the in-person
interviews might be replaced with skype interviews.

Postdoctoral fellows will work in an interdisciplinary life science
environment, and have backgrounds in any of the following fields: cell
or developmental biology, immunology, neurobiology, biophysics,
theoretical physics, computer science, bioinformatics, applied
mathematics, engineering.

Postdoctoral fellows will be co-supervised by two or three supervisors
from our community.

*Our Postdoc call 2020 agenda: *

-Publication of projects and opening of the call for candidates: March
17 – April 17, 2020

-Preselection of candidates (PIs and /ad hoc/ committee): April 20 – May
8, 2020

-Interviews (/ad hoc/ committee): June 18-19, 2020

-Results of the call: June 24, 2020

-Final answer (from candidates): July 1, 2020

Please help us to spread the word about the call and do not hesitate to
contact us if you have any questions!

Website: https://centuri-livingsystems.org/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/centuri_ls

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CENTURIMarseille/


Best regards,


*Gaël Le Méhauté*

/Communication officer – CENTURI/


Mail : gael.le-mehaute@univ-amu.fr

Téléphone : 04 13 94 24 29 / 06 46 68 14 58

IBDM – UMR 7288 Case 907

Campus de Luminy, 163 Av. de Luminy

13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France


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