Equilibrium valleys in spin glasses at low temperature

Enzo Marinari 1, Olivier C. Martin 2, Francesco Zuliani 2 Physical Review B 64 (2001) 184413 We investigate the 3-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass model at low temperature on simple cubic lattices of sizes up to L=12. Our findings show a strong continuity among T>0 physical features and those found previously at T=0, leading to a scenario with emerging mean field like characteristics […]

Equilibrium valleys in spin glasses at low temperature Lire la suite »

Discrete thermodynamic Bethe ansatz

Michel Bergere 1, Ken-Ichiro Imura 2, Stéphane Ouvry 2 Nuclear Physics B 608 (2001) 577 We propose discrete TBA equations for models with discrete spectrum. We illustrate our construction on the Calogero-Moser model and determine the discrete 2-body TBA function which yields the exact N-body Calogero-Moser thermodynamics. We apply this algorithm to the Lieb-Liniger model in a harmonic well, a model

Discrete thermodynamic Bethe ansatz Lire la suite »

Discrete energy landscapes and replica symmetry breaking at zero temperature

Florent Krzakala 1, Olivier C. Martin 1 Europhysics Letters (EPL) 53 (2001) 749-755 The order parameter P(q) for disordered systems with degenerate ground-states is reconsidered. We propose that entropy fluctuations lead to a trivial P(q) at zero temperature as in the non-degenerate case, even if there are zero-energy large-scale excitations (complex energy landscape). Such a situation should arise in the

Discrete energy landscapes and replica symmetry breaking at zero temperature Lire la suite »

Classification of Conformal Field Theories Based on Coulomb gases. Application to Loop Models

Vladimir S. Dotsenko 1, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen 2, Marco Picco 1 Nuclear Physics B 618 (2001) 523 We present a method for classifying conformal field theories based on Coulomb gases (bosonic free-field construction). Given a particular geometric configuration of the screening charges, we give necessary conditions for the existence of degenerate representations and for the closure of the vertex-operator algebra. The resulting classification

Classification of Conformal Field Theories Based on Coulomb gases. Application to Loop Models Lire la suite »

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