The asymmetric ABAB matrix model

Paul Zinn-Justin 1 Europhysics Letters (EPL) 64 (2003) 737-742 In this letter, it is pointed out that the two matrix model defined by the action S=(1/2)(tr A^2+tr B^2)-(alpha_A/4) tr A^4-(alpha_B/4) tr B^4-(beta/2) tr(AB)^2 can be solved in the large N limit using a generalization of the solution of Kazakov and Zinn-Justin (who considered the symmetric case alpha_A=alpha_B). […]

The asymmetric ABAB matrix model Lire la suite »

Temperature Chaos, Rejuvenation and Memory in Migdal-Kadanoff Spin Glasses

Munetaka Sasaki 1, Olivier C. Martin 2 Physical Review Letters 91 (2003) 097201 We use simulations within the Migdal-Kadanoff real space renormalization approach to probe the scales relevant for rejuvenation and memory in spin glasses. One of the central questions concerns the role of temperature chaos. First we investigate scaling laws of equilibrium temperature chaos, finding super-exponential decay of correlations

Temperature Chaos, Rejuvenation and Memory in Migdal-Kadanoff Spin Glasses Lire la suite »

Statistical Physics of RNA-folding

Markus Muller 1 Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 67 (2003) 021914 We discuss the physics of RNA as described by its secondary structure. We examine the static properties of a homogeneous RNA-model that includes pairing and base stacking energies as well as entropic costs for internal loops. For large enough costs the model

Statistical Physics of RNA-folding Lire la suite »

Spectral properties of distance matrices

Eugène Bogomolny 1, Oriol Bohigas 1, Charles Schmit 1 Journal of Physics A 36 (2003) 3595-3616 Distance matrices are matrices whose elements are the relative distances between points located on a certain manifold. In all cases considered here all their eigenvalues except one are non-positive. When the points are uncorrelated and randomly distributed we investigate the average density of their eigenvalues

Spectral properties of distance matrices Lire la suite »

Quantum thermodynamic fluctuations of a chaotic Fermi-gas model

Patricio Leboeuf 1, Alejandro Monastra 2 Nuclear Physics A 724 (2003) 69-84 We investigate the thermodynamics of a Fermi gas whose single-particle energy levels are given by the complex zeros of the Riemann zeta function. This is a model for a gas, and in particular for an atomic nucleus, with an underlying fully chaotic classical dynamics. The probability distributions

Quantum thermodynamic fluctuations of a chaotic Fermi-gas model Lire la suite »

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