Directional emission of stadium-shaped micro-lasers

Mélanie Lebental 1, 2, Jean-Sébastien Lauret 1, Joseph Zyss 1, C. Schmit 2, E. Bogomolny 2 Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 75 (2007) 033806 The far-field emission of two dimensional (2D) stadium-shaped dielectric cavities is investigated. Micro-lasers with such shape present a highly directional emission. We provide experimental evidence of the dependance of the emission directionality on the shape of the stadium, in […]

Directional emission of stadium-shaped micro-lasers Lire la suite »

Dimensional crossover in quantum networks: from macroscopic to mesoscopic Physics

Félicien Schopfer 1, François Mallet 1, D. Mailly 2, C. Texier 3, 4, G. Montambaux 4, Christopher Bauerle 1, Laurent Saminadayar 1, 5, 6 Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 026807 We report on magnetoconductance measurements of metallic networks of various sizes ranging from 10 to $10^{6}$ plaquettes, with anisotropic aspect ratio. Both Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak (AAS) $h/2e$ periodic oscillations and Aharonov-Bohm (AB) $h/e$ periodic oscillations are observed for all networks. For large samples, the

Dimensional crossover in quantum networks: from macroscopic to mesoscopic Physics Lire la suite »

Density of near-extreme events

Sanjib Sabhapandit 1, Satya N. Majumdar 1 Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 140201 We provide a quantitative analysis of the phenomenon of crowding of near-extreme events by computing exactly the density of states (DOS) near the maximum of a set of independent and identically distributed random variables. We show that the mean DOS converges to three different limiting forms

Density of near-extreme events Lire la suite »

Crystalline phase of strongly interacting Fermi mixtures

D. S. Petrov 1, 2, G. E. Astrakharchik 3, D. J. Papoular 1, C. Salomon 4, G. V. Shlyapnikov 1, 5 Physical Review Letters 99 (2007) 130407 We show that the system of weakly bound molecules of heavy and light fermionic atoms is characterized by a long-range intermolecular repulsion and can undergo a gas-crystal quantum transition if the mass ratio exceeds a critical value. For the critical

Crystalline phase of strongly interacting Fermi mixtures Lire la suite »

Combinatorial point for higher spin loop models

Paul Zinn-Justin 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 272 (2007) 661-682 Integrable loop models associated with higher representations (spin k/2) of U_q(sl(2)) are investigated at the point q=-e^{i\pi/(k+2)}. The ground state eigenvalue and eigenvectors are described. Introducing inhomogeneities into the models allows to derive a sum rule for the ground state entries. 1. Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et

Combinatorial point for higher spin loop models Lire la suite »

Casimir forces between arbitrary compact objects

T. Emig 1, N. Graham 2, 3, R. L. Jaffe 3, M. Kardar 2 Physical Review Letters 99 (2007) 170403 We develop an exact method for computing the Casimir energy between arbitrary compact objects, either dielectrics or perfect conductors. The energy is obtained as an interaction between multipoles, generated by quantum current fluctuations. The objects’ shape and composition enter only through their scattering matrices.

Casimir forces between arbitrary compact objects Lire la suite »

Casimir force driven ratchets

Thorsten Emig 1 Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 160801 We explore the non-linear dynamics of two parallel periodically patterned metal surfaces that are coupled by the zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic field between them. The resulting Casimir force generates for asymmetric patterns with a time-periodically driven surface-to-surface distance a ratchet effect, allowing for directed lateral motion of

Casimir force driven ratchets Lire la suite »

Boltzmann equation for dissipative gases in homogeneous states with nonlinear friction

E. Trizac 1, A. Barrat 2, M. H. Ernst 3 Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (2007) 031305 Combining analytical and numerical methods, we study within the framework of the homogeneous non-linear Boltzmann equation, a broad class of models relevant for the dynamics of dissipative fluids, including granular gases. We use the new method presented in a

Boltzmann equation for dissipative gases in homogeneous states with nonlinear friction Lire la suite »

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