Equilibrium strategy and population-size effects in lowest unique bid auctions

Simone Pigolotti 1, 2, Sebastian Bernhardsson 1, 3, Jeppe Juul 1, Gorm Galster 1, Pierpaolo Vivo 4 Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 088701 In lowest unique bid auctions, $N$ players bid for an item. The winner is whoever places the \emph{lowest} bid, provided that it is also unique. We use a grand canonical approach to derive an analytical expression for the equilibrium distribution of strategies. We then […]

Equilibrium strategy and population-size effects in lowest unique bid auctions Lire la suite »

Entangling many-body bound states with propagative modes in Bose-Hubbard systems

Mario Collura 1, Helge Aufderheide 2, Guillaume Roux 3, Dragi Karevski 1 Physical Review A 86 (2012) 013615 The quantum evolution of a cloud of bosons initially localized on part of a one dimensional optical lattice and suddenly subjected to a linear ramp is studied, realizing a quantum analog of the ‘Galileo ramp’ experiment. The main remarkable effects of this realistic setup are

Entangling many-body bound states with propagative modes in Bose-Hubbard systems Lire la suite »

Electron and nuclear spin dynamics in the thermal mixing model of dynamic nuclear polarization

Sonia Colombo Serra 1, Alberto Rosso 2, Fabio Tedoldi 1 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 13299-13308 A novel mathematical treatment is proposed for computing the time evolution of dynamic nuclear polarization processes in the low temperature thermal mixing regime. Without assuming any a priori analytical form for the electron polarization, our approach provides a quantitative picture of the steady state

Electron and nuclear spin dynamics in the thermal mixing model of dynamic nuclear polarization Lire la suite »

Einstein relation in superdiffusive systems

Giacomo Gradenigo 1, Alessandro Sarracino 1, Dario Villamaina 2, Angelo Vulpiani 3 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2012) L06001 We study the Einstein relation between diffusion and response to an external field in systems showing superdiffusion. In particular, we investigate a continuous time Levy walk where the velocity remains constant for a time \tau, with distribution P(\tau) \tau^{-g}. At varying g

Einstein relation in superdiffusive systems Lire la suite »

Effect of coupling asymmetry on mean-field solutions of direct and inverse Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

Jason Sakellariou 1, Yasser Roudi 2, 3, Marc Mezard 1, John Hertz 4, 5 Philosophical Magazine 92 (2012) 272-279 We study how the degree of symmetry in the couplings influences the performance of three mean field methods used for solving the direct and inverse problems for generalized Sherrington-Kirkpatrick models. In this context, the direct problem is predicting the potentially time-varying magnetizations. The three theories include

Effect of coupling asymmetry on mean-field solutions of direct and inverse Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model Lire la suite »

Edge properties of principal fractional quantum Hall states in the cylinder geometry

Paul Soulé 1, Thierry Jolicoeur 1 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) 86 (2012) 115214 We study fractional quantum Hall states in the cylinder geometry with open boundaries. We focus on principal fermionic 1/3 and bosonic 1/2 fractions in the case of hard-core interactions. The gap behavior as a function of the cylinder radius is analyzed. By adding enough orbitals

Edge properties of principal fractional quantum Hall states in the cylinder geometry Lire la suite »

Dynamics of a massive intruder in a homogeneously driven granular fluid

A. Puglisi 1, A. Sarracino 2, G. Gradenigo 3, D. Villamaina 4 Granular Matter 14 (2012) 235-238 A massive intruder in a homogeneously driven granular fluid, in dilute configurations, performs a memory-less Brownian motion with drag and temperature simply related to the average density and temperature of the fluid. At volume fraction $\sim 10-50%$ the intruder’s velocity correlates with the local fluid velocity

Dynamics of a massive intruder in a homogeneously driven granular fluid Lire la suite »

Dynamical heterogeneity in aging colloidal glasses of Laponite

Sara Jabbari-Farouji 1, 2, Rojman Zargar 2, Gerard Wegdam 2, Daniel Bonn 3, 4 Soft Matter 8 (2012) 5507-5512 Glasses behave as solids due to their long relaxation time; however the origin of this slow response remains a puzzle. Growing dynamic length scales due to cooperative motion of particles are believed to be central to the understanding of both the slow dynamics and the emergence

Dynamical heterogeneity in aging colloidal glasses of Laponite Lire la suite »

Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations of Anisotropic Colloids

Sara Jabbari-Farouji 1, Emmanuel Trizac 1 Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (2012) 054107 We put forward a simple procedure for extracting dynamical information from Monte Carlo simulations, by appropriate matching of the short-time diffusion tensor with its infinite-dilution limit counterpart, which is supposed to be known. This approach –discarding hydrodynamics interactions– first allows us to improve the efficiency of

Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations of Anisotropic Colloids Lire la suite »

Dissipative homogeneous Maxwell mixtures: ordering transition in the tracer limit

V. Garzó 1, E. Trizac 2 Granular Matter 14 (2012) 99 The homogeneous Boltzmann equation for inelastic Maxwell mixtures is considered to study the dynamics of tracer particles or impurities (solvent) immersed in a uniform granular gas (solute). The analysis is based on exact results derived for a granular binary mixture in the homogeneous cooling state (HCS) that apply

Dissipative homogeneous Maxwell mixtures: ordering transition in the tracer limit Lire la suite »

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