Postdoctoral Position in Statistical Physics (Indo-French CEFIPRA program)

A postdoctoral position for two years is available for a candidate (Indian citizen) in statistical physics at Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay (at laboratoire de physique théorique et modèles statisques (LPTMS)). This position starts in the fall of 2012. The deadline for the application is February, 29, 2012. The candidate is expected to carry out research in […]

Postdoctoral Position in Statistical Physics (Indo-French CEFIPRA program) Lire la suite »

Wavepacket Dynamics in Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations

Simon Moulieras 1, Alejandro G. Monastra 2, 3, Marcos Saraceno 4, Patricio Leboeuf 1 Physical Review A 85 (2012) 013841 Coherent states play an important role in quantum mechanics because of their unique properties under time evolution. Here we explore this concept for one-dimensional repulsive nonlinear Schrödinger equations, which describe weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates or light propagation in a nonlinear medium. It is shown

Wavepacket Dynamics in Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations Lire la suite »

Wave pattern induced by a localized obstacle in the flow of a one-dimensional polariton condensate

P. -É Larré 1, N. Pavloff 1, A. M. Kamchatnov 2 Physical Review B 86 (2012) 165304 Motivated by recent experiments on generation of wave patterns by a polariton condensate incident on a localized obstacle, we study the characteristics of such flows under the condition that irreversible processes play a crucial role in the system. The dynamics of a non-resonantly pumped

Wave pattern induced by a localized obstacle in the flow of a one-dimensional polariton condensate Lire la suite »

Universal reference state in a driven homogeneous granular gas

M. I. Garcia de Soria 1, P. Maynar 1, E. Trizac 2 Physical Review E 85 (2012) 051301 We study the dynamics of a homogeneous granular gas heated by a stochastic thermostat, in the low density limit. It is found that, before reaching the stationary regime, the system quickly ‘forgets’ the initial condition and then evolves through a universal state that

Universal reference state in a driven homogeneous granular gas Lire la suite »

Tuning spreading and avalanche-size exponents in directed percolation with modified activation probabilities

François Landes 1, E. A. Jagla 2, Alberto Rosso 1 Physical Review E 86 (2012) 041150 We consider the directed percolation process as a prototype of systems displaying a nonequilibrium phase transition into an absorbing state. The model is in a critical state when the activation probability is adjusted at some precise value p_c. Criticality is lost as soon as the

Tuning spreading and avalanche-size exponents in directed percolation with modified activation probabilities Lire la suite »

Trace formulae for non-equilibrium Casimir interactions, heat radiation and heat transfer for arbitrary objects

Matthias Krüger 1, Giuseppe Bimonte 2, Thorsten Emig 3, Mehran Kardar 1 Physical Review B 86 (2012) 115423 We present a detailed derivation of heat radiation, heat transfer and (Casimir) interactions for N arbitrary objects in the framework of fluctuational electrodynamics in thermal non-equilibrium. The results can be expressed as basis-independent trace formulae in terms of the scattering operators of the individual objects.

Trace formulae for non-equilibrium Casimir interactions, heat radiation and heat transfer for arbitrary objects Lire la suite »

Trace formula for dielectric cavities III: TE modes

E. Bogomolny 1, R. Dubertrand 2 Physical Review E 86 (2012) 026202 The construction of the semiclassical trace formula for the resonances with the transverse electric (TE) polarization for two-dimensional dielectric cavities is discussed. Special attention is given to the derivation of the two first terms of Weyl’s series for the average number of such resonances. The obtained formulas

Trace formula for dielectric cavities III: TE modes Lire la suite »

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