21st September 2020 : Postdoctoral – statistical physics applied to computational biology – UCM, Madrid, Spain

A postdoctoral position (for one year renewable up to 3 years) will be
in our group at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Dept. Theoretical
Physics) to work on the statistical mechanics of structurally disordered
proteins within the project 2019-T1/TIC-12776 funded by the Comunidad de
Madrid and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain).
The research will be mostly computational and theoretical, with
potential collaborations with experimentalists in Synthetic Biology. The
research project aims to characterize the physics of intrinsically
disordered proteins, and clarify the role of structurally disordered
regions in protein binding. The successful candidate will be in charge
of carrying out molecular dynamics’ simulations and of extracting
biological information from public databases via large-scale analyses
and machine learning approaches. This combined information will be then
used to propose theoretical models for intrinsically disordered proteins.

The candidate must have a PhD in physics, biology, chemistry,
mathematics or computer science, and solid research experience in at
least one of the following areas: statistical mechanics, glassy physics,
biophysics, bioinformatics, machine learning and/or molecular dynamics
simulations. Programming, mathematical modeling and data-analysis skills
are required. The annual gross salary will be 39000 euros.

For further information or submissions, please contact Beatriz Seoane,
beseoane@ucm.es .

Applications are welcome until the position is filled. This position is
expected to start during the first trimester of 2021.

Beatriz Seoane Bartolomé
Departamento de Física Teórica,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Plaza de Ciencias, 1,
28040 Madrid,

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