Dear Colleagues,
Applications are invited to fill one postdoctoral fellowship on “Machine
Learning Glasses”, possibly starting in the Fall 2020. The fellowship is
for two years and is funded by the Simons collaboration « Cracking The
Glass Problem”.
The postdoc will be supervised by Ludovic Berthier (Montpellier
University, France and Cambridge, UK) and Giulio Biroli (ENS Paris,
France),and will develop collaborations with Victor Bapst (DeepMind
Google, London, UK).
The goal of the postdoc project is to combine two recent breakthroughs
in simulations of supercooled liquids and glasses (the swap Monte Carlo
algorithm and graph neural network developed at DeepMind and
GoogleBrain) to elucidate the physical properties of these systems at
unprecedentedly low-temperatures that are out of reach of conventional
numerical approaches.
We are seeking candidates with good knowledge of statistical mechanics,
computer simulations of liquids, and/or machine learning techniques.
Further information about the postdoctoral position is available on the
We would be grateful if you would bring this announcementto the
attention of strong, creative individuals with a background in
statistical physics and/or machine learning and encourage them to apply.
The deadline for applications is August 1, 2020.
Ludovic Berthier & Giulio Biroli