Dear Colleague,
We are advertising 2 PhD projects in the Soft Matter groups of the
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (Orsay, France) and the Centre de
Recherche Paul Pascal (Bordeaux, France). We have funded positions for
both an experimental candidate (Bordeaux) and a theoretical one (Orsay).
The project concerns a collaborative study of passive and active
self-assembly of patchy colloidal rods and aims to combine experiment,
theory and computer simulation.
Further details can be found in the attached pdf.
The positions are available in the fall of 2019.
Informal enquiries can be sent to Rik Wensink (
and Eric Grelet (
I’d be very grateful if you could communicate this to any suitable
candidate you may know.
All the best,
Université Paris-Sud *Rik WENSINK*
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
Bureau – Bâtiment 510 – Rue André Rivière
91400 Orsay
See Attachement : jobadvert_virolego.pdf