28th September 2018 : Postdoctoral position at EPFL, Lausanne

De: « De los Rios Paolo » <info.statphys@listes.ens-lyon.fr>
À: « info statphys » <info.statphys@listes.ens-lyon.fr>
Envoyé: Vendredi 21 Septembre 2018 09:02:46
Objet: [info.statphys] Postdoctoral position at EPFL, Lausanne

The Laboratory of Statistical Biophysics at EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland) is looking for

a talented and enthusiastic postdoc, to work on Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics (applications

to biological machines and origins-of-life problems) and/or Machine Learning

approaches to analyze biological data.


Strong analytical and computational (Python, C++, …), and writing skills are required.


The position is for initially for 1+1 years, starting at the earliest in late 2018, early 2019.

The call remains open until a fitting candidate is foud.


Prospective candidates can see the announcement at




and can contact paolo.delosrios@epfl.ch for further information.

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