Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to a (tenure-track)
Lecturer/Assistant-Professor position in the area of
theoretical/computational physics applied to biology, to be based in the
Department of Physics and Astronomy
at University College London (UCL), embedded within the UCL Institute
for the Physics of Living Systems
the UCL Faculty of Life Sciences. This position was advertised earlier
in the year, but then suspended for reasons related to the Covid-19
We aim to recruit exceptional early-career researchers working at the
interface of physics and biology, and next to support them in an
environment that fosters academic excellence, creativity and innovation,
facilitating their transition to an independent research career.
Please feel encouraged to pass this on to any potential candidates you
may know.
The deadline for applications is 1st November 2020. Further details on
the position and on the (strictly online) application procedure can be
found via the following link:
I’d be happy to answer any informal enquiries about the position.
Best wishes,
Prof. Bart W. Hoogenboom
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