Dear colleagues,
please find below 2 postdoc offers.
Best regards, Ludovic Berthier
1) A post-doctoral positions is open at ENS Paris to work in
collaboration with Francesco Zamponi and Ludovic Berthier. The research
project concerns the low-temperature properties of glasses, and the
nature of their excitations and defects. We want to systematically
explore the microscopic nature of tunnelling Two-Level Systems (TLS) in
these systems, following up on our recent preprints [arxiv:1910.11168
and arxiv:1906.06894]. The candidate is expected to have at least some
background in the physics of glasses, and on standard computational
methods such as Molecular Dynamics. Experience with LAMMPS is welcome.
Please check for details
2) Applications are invited for a postdoc in theoretical statistical
mechanics, to work with Francesco Zamponi and Giulio Biroli at
ENS-Paris, in close collaboration with Grzegorz Szamel and Patrick
Charbonneau. The overall project focuses on obtaining a first-principle
statistical mechanics description of amorphous solids. The specific goal
for this position is to obtain a microscopic understanding of activated
hopping processes, which are elementary, non-perturbative corrections to
the mean-field description of liquids and glasses [see e.g.
arxiv:1407.5677]. Candidates should have a PhD in physics or related
field, with experience in the statistical mechanics of disordered systems.
Please check for details