2nd December 2021 : PhD position – modeling of active contractions in fly wings – Dundee University

Dear Martin,

By a stroke of luck, I got awarded a rather prestigious PhD studentship
to model active contractions in fly wings. The position is in close
collaboration with Jens Januschke, who is really great cell biologists.
It will involve image analysis and continuum modelling.

We are looking for a strong student with physics background interested
in working at the interface between physics and biology. Would you mind
sharing the attached ad with MSc students? I will also send it to
soft-matter, but I am first contacting people in person.

The ad says “home tuition fees”, but I am working on waving that. I was
told it should not be a problem if we have a strong candidate.

Many thanks,


See Attachement : PhD_studentship_Dundee.pdf

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