2nd July 2021 : 2-year Postdoc position in the theoretical biophysics at the Network Biology Research Labs Technion, Haifa, Israel.

Position is now open for a post-doctoral researcher working in the framework
of a theory-experiment collaboration between N. Brenner (Technion) and
H. Salman (University of Pittsburgh). Position funded by the US-Israel Binational
Science Foundation. We seek to understand homeostasis of bacterial growth,
division and protein production, as well as the physiology of stress response and
exploratory adaptation in bacteria. Research directions include developing models,
analyzing single-cell data and applying methods of statistical physics, control theory
and nonlinear dynamical systems. Required: a keen interest in biophysics, curiosity,
and ability for team work. Appropriate background: physics/math/engineering.
Highly qualified PhD students will be considered as well.

From: Naama Brenner <nbrenner@technion.ac.il>

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