The Biophysics Theory Group at the Technion is offering a post-doc position
available starting Oct 2020. General areas of research in the group include:
Microbial populations – phenotypic variability, inter-cellular interactions,
Spatio-temporal population dynamics and evolution; Adaptation and learning
with cellular networks – exploratory adaptation under stress, effects of
topology and other regulatory network properties on primitive learning,
applications to cancer and differentiation; Synaptic fluctuations – their
statistical properties and implications to learning. The group is part of the
interdisciplinary Network Biology Research Lab, and maintains close
collaboration with several experimental groups in Israel and abroad.
Candidates are expected to have a PhD in the exact sciences (Physics, Math,
Computer Science, Engineering), and a keen interest in biology and
complex systems. See
available starting Oct 2020. General areas of research in the group include:
Microbial populations – phenotypic variability, inter-cellular interactions,
Spatio-temporal population dynamics and evolution; Adaptation and learning
with cellular networks – exploratory adaptation under stress, effects of
topology and other regulatory network properties on primitive learning,
applications to cancer and differentiation; Synaptic fluctuations – their
statistical properties and implications to learning. The group is part of the
interdisciplinary Network Biology Research Lab, and maintains close
collaboration with several experimental groups in Israel and abroad.
Candidates are expected to have a PhD in the exact sciences (Physics, Math,
Computer Science, Engineering), and a keen interest in biology and
complex systems. See
From: Naama Brenner,