A postdoctoral position (12+6 months) in theory and computation for
bionano systems is available in September at Barcelona Un. Ideal
candidate has a PhD in physics/physical chemistry, strong experience in
stat-phys modeling, biophysics, nanoscience, programming, data-analysis,
an enthusiastic scientific curiosity/dedication. Practical skills with
common simulations suites, CUDA/GPUs are a plus. Open until filled,
priority for applications (CV+motivation letter+contacts for 2/more
possible letters of support) received before 20/5 at gfranzese@ub.edu.
bionano systems is available in September at Barcelona Un. Ideal
candidate has a PhD in physics/physical chemistry, strong experience in
stat-phys modeling, biophysics, nanoscience, programming, data-analysis,
an enthusiastic scientific curiosity/dedication. Practical skills with
common simulations suites, CUDA/GPUs are a plus. Open until filled,
priority for applications (CV+motivation letter+contacts for 2/more
possible letters of support) received before 20/5 at gfranzese@ub.edu.
From: Giancarlo Franzese <gfranzese@ub.edu>