30th November 2018 : Postdoc – statistical physics and ecology – UMass Amherst

Dear colleagues,

Alan Hastings, Karen Abbott and I are seeking a postdoc to work on
problems at the interface between statistical physics and theoretical
spatial ecology.This position will be supported by our recently awarded
NSF grant, /RoL:FELS:RAISE: Integrating statistical physics and
nonlinear dynamics to understand emergent synchrony and phase
transitions in biological systems/.The ideal individual will have
expertise in statistical physics including computational methods and the
theory of phase transitions, as well as some experience with models of
biological systems, particularly spatial ecological systems.The position
will be based at UC Davis and there will be opportunities to spend time
both at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (Machta) and at Case
Western Reserve University (Abbott).

The ideal start date will be between July 1, 2019 and September 1,
2019.The initial term will be 1 year with extension for up to two more
years with satisfactory performance.Salary and benefits are
competitive.The University of California is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional
commitment to the development of a climate that supports equality of
opportunity and respect for diversity.


Under the guidance of the PI’s, the postdoc will develop and analyze
models inspired by statistical physics to describe the dynamics of
spatially coupled oscillating ecological systems and use these models to
understand data from ecological systems.

*How to apply:*

Email a cover letter describing your background and interests in the
position, cv, and contact information for 3 references to Alan Hastings
(amhastings@ucdavis.edu) .The position
is open until filled.


Jon Machta

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