4th January 2022 : 2 junior faculty positions – Fluid Mechanics and Biomaterials – Ecole Polytechnique

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Mechanics at Ecole Polytechnique (France) is
recruiting two junior faculty members  with the following profiles, that
might be of interest to the soft matter community:
– 1st position (Fluid Mechanics, LadHyX): all fields of fluid mechanics,
theory/numerics profile.
– 2nd position (Biomaterials, Mechanics Department): experimental
profile (preferred).

The detailed profiles and application procedures for both positions are
detailed in the attached announcements.
Please note the application deadline *(March 15th, 2022)*. For these
permanent positions, it is *expected* and therefore *strongly
recommended* that the interested candidates* contact the Department
Chair* and lab director as soon as possible and well ahead of that date
in order to prepare their application accordingly.

Thank you in advance for forwarding this announcement to any potentially
interested candidates!

Sebastien Michelin

Sébastien Michelin

LadHyX — Ecole Polytechnique
Palaiseau, France
+(33) 1 69 33 52 73
web: http://www.off-ladhyx.polytechnique.fr/people/michelin/

See Attachement : PA_fluids_en.pdf

See Attachement : PA_biomaterials_en.pdf

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