Hello all,
I have open positions for postdocs in my group at Tel Aviv University.
My fields of interest include soft matter physics, biophysics,
nonequilibrium statistical physics, stochastic thermodynamics,
nonequilibrium self-assembly, and more.
I am open to both theoretical and experimental projects.
Please see the attached flyer for details.
If you are interested, please send me your CV and a short description of
your research interests.
Here are links to my recent publications in the field:
Inferring broken detailed balance in the absence of observable currents
Nonequilibrium associative retrieval of multiple stored self-assembly
Please feel free to forward to whoever you think might be interested.
*Gili Bisker, Ph.D.*
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv, Israel
Office: Multidisciplinary Building, Room 411
Phone: +972-73-380-4160
Email: bisker@tauex.tau.ac.il
Website: biskerlab.com
See Attachement : Calls_For_Nominations_Postdocs_Gili Bisker.pdf