> Dear Colleagues,
> We would like to draw your attention to the open call for a tenure
> track group leader position in Dresden, Germany on the topic of
> *Physical Chemistry of Biomolecular Condensates *(see attached).
> This is a joint position between the DFG Cluster of Excellence
> ‘Physics of Life’ at the Technical University Dresden and the
> ‘Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf’, with the possibility to become
> tenured to a W2 professorship at TU Dresden. We welcome applications
> from junior researchers in the field of physical chemistry and
> experience with novel approaches in spectroscopy and/or microscopy.
> _Application deadline is October 23rd_.
> It would be great if you could spread the word and post the add at
> your institutes. Please feel free to forward the call to candidates
> that you think could be interested!
> Greetings from Dresden
> Stephan Grill (Speaker, PoL)
> Frank Jülicher and Stefan Diez (Co-Speakers, PoL)
> _______________________________________________
> „Physics of Life“ (PoL) – Technische Universität Dresden
> 01307 Dresden – Germany
> https://physics-of-life.tu-dresden.de
> Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf
> 01328 Dresden – Germany
> https://www.hzdr.de/
> _______________________________________________
> http://meetings.embo.org/event/20-physics-of-living-systems
> 07-11 2021
See Attachement : TenureTrack-RGLcall_PhysicalChemistry_Dresden.pdf