8th January 2019 : Postdoc – theoretical/computational soft matter and biophysics – Syracuse University

*Postdoctoral position in theoretical/computational soft matter and
biophysics at Syracuse University*

We invite applications for a theoretical/computational research
postdoctoral position in soft matter and biological physics to work in
the group of Prof. Lisa Manning (https://mmanning.expressions.syr.edu/)
in the physics department at Syracuse University. There is flexibility
in the precise research topic; possibilities include the mechanical
properties of biological tissues, active matter, and amorphous or
granular materials.

 The successful candidate will have opportunities to interact with
faculty, postdocs and students in the Soft and Living Matter group at
Syracuse University. Ideally, the appointment will begin in the Spring
or Summer of 2019.  Applicants should have a PhD in Physics, Biophysics,
Engineering, or a related field, and demonstrated experience in
theoretical or computational soft matter or biophysics.  To
apply, candidates should submit their application materials, including a
Cover letter, CV, research statement, and emails of three references
using the following website: http://www.sujobopps.com/postings/78182.

Applications will be considered immediately and on a rolling basis until
the position is filled. Syracuse University is an equal-opportunity,
affirmative-action institution. Women and under-represented minorities
are encouraged to apply.

Please feel free to contact Lisa directly with any questions.


*M. Lisa Manning*| Associate Professor

Department of Physics
Physics Bldg 229B
Syracuse, New York 13244

*t*315.443.3920 *e* mmanning@syr.edu *w*


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