An NSF-funded postdoctoral position is available at the Courant Institute for
Mathematical Sciences at New York University, with close connections to the
Center for Soft Matter Research. The postdoctoral researcher will work in the
group of Prof. A. Donev ( on developing fast methods
for solving electrostatics and Stokes flow problems involving particles in semi-
confined geometries. Examples of physical systems of interest include
suspensions of colloids driven by external electric and magnetic fields, lipid
membranes, and electrolytes. There is some flexibility in the starting date, and
the initial appointment is expected to be for two years. Applicants should
contact Aleks Donev first. More details and formal application are available
Mathematical Sciences at New York University, with close connections to the
Center for Soft Matter Research. The postdoctoral researcher will work in the
group of Prof. A. Donev ( on developing fast methods
for solving electrostatics and Stokes flow problems involving particles in semi-
confined geometries. Examples of physical systems of interest include
suspensions of colloids driven by external electric and magnetic fields, lipid
membranes, and electrolytes. There is some flexibility in the starting date, and
the initial appointment is expected to be for two years. Applicants should
contact Aleks Donev first. More details and formal application are available
From: Aleksandar Donev <>