Moritz Antlanger 1 Gerhard Kahl 1 Martial Mazars 2 Ladislav Samaj 3 Emmanuel Trizac 4 Ladislav Šamaj 5
Journal of Chemical Physics, American Institute of Physics, 2018, 149 (24), pp.244904. 〈10.1063/1.5053651〉
We present a comprehensive discussion of the so-called asymmetric Wigner bilayer system, where mobile point charges, all of the same sign, are immersed into the space left between two parallel, homogeneously charged plates (with possibly different charge densities). At vanishing temperatures, the particles are expelled from the slab interior; they necessarily stick to one of the two plates, and form there ordered sublattices. Using complementary tools (analytic and numerical) we study systematically the self-assembly of the point charges into ordered ground state configurations as the inter-layer separation and the asymmetry in the charge densities are varied. The overwhelming plethora of emerging Wigner bilayer ground states can be understood in terms of the competition of two strategies of the system: the desire to guarantee net charge neutrality on each of the plates and the effort of the particles to self-organize into commensurate sublattices. The emerging structures range from simple, highly commensurate (and thus very stable) lattices (such as staggered structures, built up by simple motives) to structures with a complicated internal structure. The combined application of our two approaches (whose results agree within remarkable accuracy) allows to study on a quantitative level phenomena such as over- and underpopulation of the plates by the mobile particles, the nature of phase transitions between the emerging phases (which pertain to two different universality classes), and the physical laws that govern the long-range behaviour of the forces acting between the plates. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations, which have been carried out at small, but finite temperatures along selected, well-defined pathways in parameter space confirm the analytical and numerical predictions within high accuracy.
- 1. TU WIEN – Technical University of Vienna [Vienna]
- 2. LPT – Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d’Orsay [Orsay]
- 3. Institute of Physics
- 4. LPTMS – Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques
- 5. Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences