
LPTMS Internship proposal: Critical behaviour in the creep dynamics

We focus on the creep dynamics of a magnetic domain wall. Indeed, at tiny magnetic fields, the wall creeps only via thermal activation over pinning centers. A localized instability triggers a cascade, akin to aftershocks following a large earthquake in a compact active region. How large are these reorganisations? The goal of this project is […]

LPTMS Internship proposal: Critical behaviour in the creep dynamics Lire la suite »

LPTMS Internship and PhD Proposal: Frustrated self-assembly with multiple particle types

Self-organization is key to the function of living cells – but sometimes goes wrong! In Alzheimer’s and many other diseases, normally soluble proteins thus clump up into pathological fiber-like aggregates. While biologists typically explain this on the grounds of detailed molecular interactions, we have started proving that such fibers are actually expected from very general

LPTMS Internship and PhD Proposal: Frustrated self-assembly with multiple particle types Lire la suite »

LPTMS PhD Proposal: Models and Time Series Analysis for Human Sports Performance

Responsable: Thorsten Emig + 33 (0)1 69 15 31 80 This project is directed to students with a strong background in quantitative methods from statistical physics, and ideally some knowledge of machine learning, computational physiology and statistical analysis of large data. Interest in sports performance would be useful. Expected are both analytical and computer programmingskills.

LPTMS PhD Proposal: Models and Time Series Analysis for Human Sports Performance Lire la suite »

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