Maxime Arnal 1 Gabriel Chatelain 1 Maxime Martinez 2 Nathan Dupont 1 Olivier Giraud 3 D. Ullmo 3 Bertrand Georgeot 2 Gabriel Lemarié 2 Juliette Billy 1 David Guéry-Odelin 1
Maxime Arnal, Gabriel Chatelain, Maxime Martinez, Nathan Dupont, Olivier Giraud, et al.. Chaos-assisted tunneling resonances in a synthetic Floquet superlattice. Science Advances, 2020, 6 (38), pp.eabc4886. ⟨10.1126/sciadv.abc4886⟩. ⟨hal-02534927⟩
The field of quantum simulation, which aims at using a tunable quantum system to simulate another, has been developing fast in the past years as an alternative to the all-purpose quantum computer. In particular, the use of temporal driving has attracted a huge interest recently as it was shown that certain fast drivings can create new topological effects, while a strong driving leads to e.g. Anderson localization physics. In this work, we focus on the intermediate regime to observe a quantum chaos transport mechanism called chaos-assisted tunneling which provides new possibilities of control for quantum simulation. Indeed, this regime generates a rich classical phase space where stable trajectories form islands surrounded by a large sea of unstable chaotic orbits. This mimics an effective superlattice for the quantum states localized in the regular islands, with new controllable tunneling properties. Besides the standard textbook tunneling through a potential barrier, chaos-assisted tunneling corresponds to a much richer tunneling process where the coupling between quantum states located in neighboring regular islands is mediated by other states spread over the chaotic sea. This process induces sharp resonances where the tunneling rate varies by orders of magnitude over a short range of parameters. We experimentally demonstrate and characterize these resonances for the first time in a quantum system. This opens the way to new kinds of quantum simulations with long-range transport and new types of control of quantum systems through complexity.
- 1. Atomes Froids (LCAR)
- 2. Information et Chaos Quantiques (LPT)
- 3. LPTMS – Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques