Denis Ullmo 1, 2, Hong Jiang 2, 3, Weitao Yang 3, Harold U. Baranger 2
Physical Review B 70 (2004) 205309
We analyze the ground state energy and spin of quantum dots obtained from spin density functional theory (SDFT) calculations. First, we introduce a Strutinsky-type approximation, in which quantum interference is treated as a correction to a smooth Thomas-Fermi description. For large irregular dots, we find that the second-order Strutinsky expressions have an accuracy of about 5 percent compared to the full SDFT and capture all the qualitative features. Second, we perform a random matrix theory/random plane wave analysis of the Strutinsky SDFT expressions. The results are statistically similar to the SDFT quantum dot statistics. Finally, we note that the second-order Strutinsky approximation provides, in essence, a Landau Fermi liquid picture of spin density functional theory. For instance, the leading term in the spin channel is simply the familiar exchange constant. A direct comparison between SDFT and the perturbation theory derived « universal Hamiltonian » is thus made possible.
- 1. Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques (LPTMS),
CNRS : UMR8626 – Université Paris XI – Paris Sud - 2. Duke Physics,
Duke University - 3. Department of Chemistry,
Duke University