Post-doc position: Analogue Hawking effect in BEC systems

Paris-Sud University (LPT and LPTMS) is offering a two-year post-doctoral fellowship starting 1st October 2013, in a joint project involving the LCF of Palaiseau and the LPN of Marcoussis. The post-doc will work on various theoretical aspects of experiments aimed at measuring quantum features associated with the analogue Hawking effect and related phenomena such as the Dynamical Casimir Effect. The experiments will be conducted in Bose Einstein condensates of atomic gases (LCF) and using quantum fluids of exciton-polaritons in semi-conductor microcavities (LPN). Candidates should have a good knowledge of quantum out of equilibrium processes in BEC and/or microcavities. Applications and letters of recommendation should be sent by email to Mireille Calvet ( before 3rd February.

For further information, please contact Nicolas Pavloff (

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