Serguei Brazovskii 1
Journal de Physique IV Colloque 114 (2004) 9
Mysterious high temperature structureless transitions in (TMTTF)2X compounds have been discovered in mid 80’s (Coulon, Lawersanne,vet al), but left unexplained and abandoned, together with other warnings from structural effects (Moret, Pouget, et al), with dramatic consequences for the whole field. Recently their nature has been identified as the ferroelectricity (Nad, Monceau, et al) and, more generally, the charge disproportionation (Brown, et al). New phenomena unify an unusual variety of concepts: ferroelectricity of good conductors, structural instability towards Mott- Hubbard state, Wigner crystallization in a dense electronic system, ordered 4kF density wave, richness of physics of solitons, interplay of structural and electronic symmetries. The ferroelectric state gives rise to several types of solitons carrying electronic charge, a noninteger charge, spin or both spin and charge in special cases. They are clearly observed via conductivity, electric and magnetic susceptibilities. Solitons are challenging for optics where they already seem to determine the pseudogap in absorption. Various features also appear, or are expected, from collective electronic and coupled electron-phonon modes. REFERENCES: cond-mat/0012237 cond-mat/0304076 cond-mat/0304483 cond-mat/0306006
- 1. Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques (LPTMS),
CNRS : UMR8626 – Université Paris XI – Paris Sud