Temperature chaos in a replica symmetry broken spin glass model – A hierarchical model with temperature chaos –

Munetaka Sasaki 1, Olivier C. Martin 1, 2

Europhysics Letters (EPL) 66 (2002) 316

Temperature chaos is an extreme sensitivity of the equilibrium state to a change of temperature. It arises in several disordered systems that are described by the so called scaling theory of spin glasses, while it seems to be absent in mean field models. We consider a model spin glass on a tree and show that although it has mean field behavior with replica symmetry breaking, it manifestly has « strong » temperature chaos. We also show why chaos appears only very slowly with system size.

  • 1. Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques (LPTMS),
    CNRS : UMR8626 – Université Paris XI – Paris Sud
  • 2. Service de physique de l’état condensé (SPEC),
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