
The school will be structured around 5 long lectures (5 x 1,5 hrs) and 11 shorter ones (2 x 1,5 hrs).

Long lectures

  • Bernard Derrida (Collège de France):

         Current fluctuations and transport in non-equilibrium systems

  • Mylène Maïda (University of Lille):

          Large deviations in Coulomb gases: a mathematical perspective

  • Hugo Touchette (Univ. of Stellenbosch, South Afrika)

          A general introduction to large deviation theory from a physics point of view

  • Eric Vanden-Eijnden (New York University)

          Stochastic dynamics, rare events, and large deviations

  • Pierpaolo Vivo (King’s College)

          Large deviations in random matrix theory and Coulomb gas systems

Short lectures

  • Ada Altieri (Univ. Paris Cité)

          Theoretical models of ecology

  • Freddy Bouchet (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)

          Applications of large deviations to climate science

  • Sergio Ciliberto (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon)

          Experimental aspects of large deviations

  • Martin R. Evans (Univ. of Edinburgh)

          Stochastic resetting and large deviations 

  • Juan P. Garrahan (Univ. of Nottingham)

          Large deviations in quantum systems

  • Alexander K. Hartmann (Univ. of Oldenburg)

          Numerical aspects of large deviations

  • Pablo Hurtado (Univ. of Granada)

          Large deviations and fluctuations paths

  • Joachim Krug (Univ. of Cologne)

          Complexity and accessibility of random landscapes

  • Vivien Lecomte (Univ. of Grenoble)

          Large deviations in active systems

  • Baruch Meerson (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)

          Optimal fluctuation methods

  • Joachim Peinke (Univ. of Oldenburg)

          Rare events in turbulence and applications

  • Valentina Ros (Univ. Paris-Saclay)

          Complex Energy Landscapes 


  • Herbert Spohn (Technical University Munich)

          Large deviation functionals from integrable many-body systems

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