The conference is now over – thank you to all participants and speakers for making it a success.
We look forward to welcoming you in 2024 for the next edition!

The 6th International Conference on Physics and Biological Systems will be held on Jun. 27-29 2022 at ENS Paris-Saclay in Gif-sur-Yvette, in the south of Paris. It aims to bring together a broad range of physical and life scientists working at the interface between the two disciplines around in-depth talks by first-rate international speakers. Attendance will be limited to 200 participants. We look forward to welcoming you in Gif-sur-Yvette!
Invited speakers
Sam Patz (Harvard U., USA) |
Roya Zandi (UC Riverside, USA) |
Frederick Dyda (NIH, USA) |
Cathy Ventalon (ENS Paris, France) |
Eva Jakab Toth (CBM, France) |
Thomas Dehoux (U. Lyon, France) |
Karen Alim (TU Munich, Germany) |
Gijsje Koenderink (TU Delft, the Netherlands) |
Christophe Godin (Inria, France) |
Mark Hipp (U. of Groningen, the Netherlands) |
Mathias Winterhalter (Jacobs U. Bremen, Germany) |
Francisco Fernandes (Sorbonne U., France) |
Yanlan Mao (UCL, UK) |
Aurélien Roux (U. Geneva, Switzerland) |
Nigel Emptage (Oxford U., UK) |
Hayder Amin (DZNE, Germany) |
Nathalie Sauvonnet (Pasteur Institute, France) |
Jürgen Reingruber (ENS, France) |
Student speakers
Sophia Imperato (ESPCI, France) |
Abigail Illand (U. Paris-Saclay, France) |
Maelle Bellec (U. of Montpellier, France) |
Valentin Laplaud (Ecole Polytechnique, France) |
Samuel Randriamanantsoa (TU Munich, Germany) |
Lucille Rabiet (ESPCI, Paris) |
Irène Nagle (U. Paris Cité, France) |
Meriem Bensouda (ENS, France) |
Achille Jolliot (Hearing Insitute, France) |
Mehmet Can Ucar (IST Austria) |
Adam Shellard (UCL, UK) |