Physics-Biology Interface seminar: Franziska Lautenschläger


11:30 - 12:30

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Migration and Seach of Immune Cells

Franziska Lautenschläger (Saarland University, Germany)

Beware the unusual seminar time

Immune cells are often called the ‚sentinels‘ of the immune system, constantly searching for any kind of pathogen. During this search, immune cells spread over a given area with the task of finding objects in the most efficient way. Parameters that influence this search are migration speed, migration persistence and the correlation between the two [1]. These parameters can be modulated to diversify search strategies [2]. We have investigated how we can modify either the cellular environment or the cellular cytoskeleton (all types) to control migration and the search efficiency [3, 4].

  1. Shaebani, M.R., et al., Persistence-Speed Coupling Enhances the Search Efficiency of Migrating Immune Cells. Phys Rev Lett, 2020. 125(26): p. 268102.
  2. Shaebani, M.R., M. Piel, and F. Lautenschläger, Distinct speed and direction memories of migrating dendritic cells diversify their search strategies. Biophys. J., 2022. 121(21): p. 4099-4108.
  3. Shaebani, M.R., et al., Effects of vimentin on the migration, search efficiency, and mechanical resilience of dendritic cells. Biophys. J., 2022. 121(20): p. 3950-3961.
  4. Sadjadi, Z., et al., Ameboid cell migration through regular arrays of micropillars under confinement. Biophys J, 2022. 121(23): p. 4615-4623.
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