Physics-Biology Interface seminar: Joseph Ackermann


11:00 - 12:00

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(Non-)Reciprocal interactions in oriented mixtures

Joseph Ackermann (LJP, Sorbonne U.)

Joint seminar with LPS – note the unusual location and its change compared with previous announcements

Interactions between the components determine the properties of mixtures. In particular, non-reciprocal phase transitions have attracted attention in recent years due to features such as time-dependent phases [1]. In the context of cancer, the heterogeneity of the environment requires the consideration of the interplay between different components. In particular, polar and nematic orientations are ubiquitous. In this talk, I will present two experiments and their physical description involving reciprocal and non-reciprocal nematic or polar interactions and some questions they raise [2,3].

[1] Fruchart, Michel, et al. « Non-reciprocal phase transitions. » Nature 592.7854 (2021): 363-369.

[2] Jacques, Cécile, et al. « Aging and freezing of active nematic dynamics of cancer-associated fibroblasts by fibronectin matrix remodeling. » bioRxiv (2023): 2023-11.

[3] Bell, Samuel, et al. « Ordering, spontaneous flows and aging in active fluids depositing tracks. » arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.05195 (2024).

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