Séminaire du LPTMS: duo Thibault Congy/Aurélien Grabsch


11:00 - 12:00

LPTMS, salle 201, 2ème étage, Bât 100, Campus d'Orsay
15 Rue Georges Clemenceau, Orsay, 91405

Type d’évènement

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Nonlinear polarization waves in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates

Thibault Congy (LPTMS, Université Paris-Sud)

T. Congy, A. M. Kamchatnov & N. Pavloff, Dispersive hydrodynamics of nonlinear polarization waves in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates, preprint cond-mat.quant-gas arXiv:1607.08760

Truncated linear statistics associated with the top eigenvalues of random matrices

Aurélien Grabsch (LPTMS, Université Paris-Sud)

A. Grabsch, S. N. Majumdar & C. Texier, Truncated linear statistics associated with the top eigenvalues of random matrices, preprint cond-mat.stat-mech arXiv:1609.08296
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