Séminaire du LPTMS : Etienne Granet (Chicago University)


15:00 - 16:00

Petit amphi, bâtiment Pascal n° 530
rue André Rivière, Orsay, 91405

Type d’évènement

Carte non disponible

Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in Gaussian systems: from quantum quenches to measurement-induced phase transitions

Etienne Granet (Chicago University)

Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 956 5112 9119
Passcode: Y8Rgv7

Unusual time: 3pm!

Solvable models are invaluable to understand the complex dynamics of many-body quantum systems. I will present two exact results on free fermions driven out of equilibrium. I will first show how to compute the time-dependent magnetization in the infinite-size Ising model when an arbitrary magnetic field is monitored, which was unknown before. In a second part I will show how to build solvable models for measurement-induced phase transitions between volume-law and area-law entangled states, and compute the associated critical exponents.

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