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Edge singularities and quasi-long-range order in non-equilibrium steady states
Jacopo de Nardis (LPT-ENS, Paris)
I will present a theoretical study of exotic states of matter realized via the bi-partite quantum quench protocol, where two many-body systems at different density or temperatures are put in contact. I will mostly focus on the 1d interacting Bose gas and I will show how the non-equilibrium steady state emerging from the junction displays strong quantum correlations that are more typical of gapless ground states than thermal states in one spacial dimension. I will then show how by means of new form factors techniques we can provide a full characterization of the strong edge singularities which in principle could also be studied via universal field theory methods similar to non-linear Luttinger liquids.
- Jacopo De Nardis, Miłosz Panfil, Edge singularities and quasi-long-range order in non-equilibrium steady states, preprint cond-mat.quant-gas arXiv:1801.08079.