Fully localized and partially delocalized but non-ergodic states in the tails of critical Erdos-Renyi graphs
Marco Tarzia (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée)
Onsite seminar + zoom (ID: 933 8982 7691, PW: V75fAY, link:
In this talk I will discuss the spectral properties of the adjacency matrix of critical Erdos-Renyi graphs, i.e. when the average degree is of order log N. In a series of recent inspiring papers Alt, Ducatez, and Knowles have rigorously shown that these systems exhibit a « semilocalized » phase in the tails of the spectrum where the eigenvectors are exponentially localized on a sub-extensive fraction of nodes with anomalously large degree. We propose two approximate analytical strategies to analyze this regime based respectively on the simple « rules of thumb » for localization and ergodicity and on an approximate treatment of the self-consistent cavity equation for the resolvent. Both approaches suggest that the tails of the spectrum split in two different phases: a fully Anderson localized phase at the spectral edges, in which the eigenvectors are localized around a unique center, and an intermediate partially delocalized but non-ergodic phase, where the eigenvectors spread over many resonant localization centers. In this phase the exponential decay of the effective tunneling amplitudes between the localization centers is counterbalanced by the large number of nodes towards which tunneling can occur, and the system exhibits mini-bands in the local spectrum over which the Wigner-Dyson statistics establishes. We complement these results by a detailed numerical study of the finite-size scaling behavior of several observables that fully supports the theoretical predictions and allows us to determine the critical properties of the two transitions. Critical Erdos-Renyi graphs provide a pictorial representation of the Hilbert space of a generic many-body Hamiltonian with short range interaction. In particular we argue that their phase diagram can be mapped onto the out-of-equilibrium phase diagram of the quantum random energy model.