Finite-temperature dynamics in low-dimensional quantum magnets
Salvatore Manmana (University of Göttingen, Germany)
Quantum magnetic materials are a fascinating research topic, which explores novel behavior in quantum systems caused by strong correlations. In my talk, I will review basic properties of such strongly correlated quantum magnets. A particular focus is given to dynamical properties, which reveal the elementary excitations and their properties. An interesting aspect here is the effect of temperature. This is discussed for one-dimensional systems. In particular, the finite-temperature dynamics in the antiferromagnetic spin-one chain is discussed, which considerably is one of the most fundamental quantum many-body systems, with symmetry protected topological order in the ground state. Increasing the temperature leads to additional structures in the dynamical response functions, which we propose to measure in experiments.
Reference :
Jonas Becker, Thomas Köhler, Alexander C. Tiegel, Salvatore R. Manmana, Stefan Wessel and Andreas Honecker, Finite-temperature dynamics and thermal intra-band magnon scattering in Haldane spin-one chains, preprint cond-mat arXiv:1703.04652