The Self-Journal of Science : an ethical and realistic alternative for scientific publishing
Michaël Bon, CEA Saclay
Today, the publication industry hurts Science : extremely high costs, unreliable peer review, Science output decided by self-righteous scientific authorities, addiction to impact factor, chaotic management of the ever-increasing number of papers… Unscientific stakes have a much too big importance in the evolution of Science and outsiders, i.e. younger generations of scientists, are the one who suffer mostly from this situation.
I will defend the idea that all these flaws root in the pyramidal organization of scientific edition. I will present a solution which allows theoretically and overall practically to set the system right. It comes in the form a repository (like arXiv) equipped with novel ideas and tools allowing an horizontal self-management of Science by the whole scientific community, to make an optimal peer review as well as an objective and unfalsifiable evaluation of articles. Its social logic makes it always self-regulated towards scientific quality. This new platform, « The Self-Journal of Science » is readily available and just has to be used, as it is free and as its particular nature makes it viral.
I therefore welcome all scientist concerned with the global quality and credibility of Science to attend this lecture.
Le site du journal :