Boundary effects in Quantum Spin Chains and Finite-Size Effects in the Toroidal Correlated Percolation model
Sebastian Grijalva
Christian Hagendorf, Université catholique de Louvain, examinateur
Jacopo De Nardis, ENS, invité
Nikolai Kitanine, Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, examinateur
Karol Kozlowski, ENS de Lyon, rapporteur
Vincent Pasquier, IPhT, examinateur
Pierre Pujol, Université Paul Sabatier, rapporteur
Raoul Santachiara, LPTMS, Université Paris Saclay, co-directeur de thèse
Véronique Terras, LPTMS, Université Paris Saclay, directrice de thèse
This thesis is divided in two parts: The first one presents a 2D statistical model of correlated percolation on a toroidal lattice. We present a protocol to construct long-range correlated surfaces based on fractional Gaussian surfaces and then we relate the level sets to a family of correlated percolation models. The emerging clusters are then numerically studied, and we test their conformal symmetry by verifying that their finite-size corrections follow the predictions of Conformal Field Theory. We also provide numerical details to produce the results.
The second part studies the quantum integrable XXZ spin-1/2 chain with open boundary conditions for even and odd number of sites. We concentrate in the anti-ferromagnetic regime and use the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz to determine the ground state configurations that arise in terms of the boundary fields. We find the conditions of existence of quasi-degenerate ground states separated by a gap to the rest of the spectrum. We calculate the boundary magnetization at zero temperature and find that it depends on the field at the opposite edge even in the semi-infinite chain limit. We finally calculate the time auto- correlation function at the boundary and show that in the even-size case it is finite for the long-time limit as a result of the quasi-degeneracy.
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